AD140TC / AD140 Lead / AD50 / Etc.

Orange Amps General Forum

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Post by O.F.B. » Fri Aug 16, 2002 8:59 pm

Howdy all...first time here...

Just interested in these new models...hearing and reading good things, but trying to get the poop straight. The available info is kind of limited...

So...does anyone know if there are huge differences between the AD140TC and the AD140 Lead...the custom shop Lead AD140, obviously, is hand-wired, which would make it more expensive...the TC, also obviously, has 2 channels, but the same controls. Other than being on PCB, does anyone know if the circuits are the same, the components essentially the same? I was curious if they had similar components, transformers or whatever, since the controls are laid out essentially the same way, or are they really different circuits and different qualities? A PCB amp can be just as good as PTP, if the PCB work is done right...if all you're paying for is that hand-wired "vibe", hell, give me twin channel!

I'm also interesting in the AD50...can't seem to find any info on price and availability, but I like the Bass, Treb, Presence layout, and I'm intruigued by the Class A/30W feature...I was wondering if anyone has heard this (or the same on the Retro 50) and how it sounds compared to the AD30, which I have heard. I don't think I've ever heard EL34s running in Class A that I knew about.

And if anyone knows what kind of master these new amps have, that would be good to know (post PI? how's it wired in / how much "filtering" does it put in the circuit).

I've sent some e-mails to various arms of the Orange octopus, but haven't gotten any replies. I know there are a lot of questions scattered through here...anything anyone has to offer is much appreciated.


Edited by - O.F.B. on 16 Aug 2002 21:01:13

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Post by O.F.B. » Wed Aug 28, 2002 2:45 pm

Hello? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Damn...40+ views and nobody got nuffin' to say! Leave it to me to come up the questions nobody has answers for...guess there aren't a lot of people out there who've played these amps, and that handful doesn't hang out here I guess...

Cool info showing up on this board though...and thanks for looking at least...

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Post by wvhillbilly » Wed Aug 28, 2002 4:18 pm

I've got a ad140tc and it rules one of the greatest sounding amps I've ever heard. But good luck on getting a orange right now, I'd check e-bay. Orange amps rule but orange the company sucks. They treat their customers like pile of poop. mike

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Jason Green

Post by Jason Green » Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:19 am

Hi People,

First I'd like to apologize to you all for the extended delays! Earlier this year we moved to a much larger production facility in order to cope with the ever increasing demand for Orange. This took longer than expected. We were then let down by a number of our component suppliers who were unable to handle the increased volume of our production.

We have now sourced backup suppliers and the production line is finally running smoothly. European customers will already be feeling the effect of this and I imagine if you who placed an order in Europe you will have either already received your amplifier, or you will be receiving it very soon.

If you are a USA customer I can assure you that a container full of USA amplifiers was dispatched from the UK today. It will take about 4 weeks to make it across the Atlantic and clear USA Customs. This stock will fulfill 99% of USA orders, however please be aware that if you have ordered a custom shop amplifier, in particular the 50 watt models, there may well be a longer wait. Do not hesitate to call the USA office at 404-303-8196 for more info.

Regarding the footswitches - Unfortunately the first prototype we received did not reach our high standards. We received the second prototype this week and found it to be excellent. The first production run is commencing next week and will be arriving in the USA in October.

The merchandise section of this site has finally been updated. You can now buy merchandise from within the USA. At the moment there are only T-Shirts available. Baseball caps are on order and they will be added to the site as soon as they arrive. As will the footswitches. The other items listed are currently being sourced. The reason it takes so long is that we have to negotiate with many different companies in order to get the highest quality items at the best possible prices.

Once again, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your nearest Orange office by telephone. We will be more than happy to bring you up to date on our progress.

Thank you for your patience through this difficult period. I can assure you no one wants to see product available as much as us!

All the best,

The Webmaster

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