tube noob - TT more volume&treb, less gain

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Post by sleejay » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:37 am

Well the title pretty much sais it all.

I know just about NOTHING about tubes, and here's what I want:

- more overall volume
- more treble, chime, brightness, whatever you wanna call it
- less gain, assuming less gain=able to cranke gain knob, hence more volume?

for my Tiny Terror.

All I know is that the TT has:
preamp: 2 x 12AX7
poweramp: 2 x EL84
and that's about it. I know very little about types, brands, etc.

And yes, I've done searches, but I'm such a noob that I could hardly understand most of it....

So I'd like to hear some suggestions.
And maybe a recommended website to learn about tubes.

Thanx in advance:)

*edited info addition*

I currently have the amp volume at FULL, and gain around 10:00.
I'm looking for a tube that will let me crank the gain more for more volume, but I don't want more overdrive.

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Post by VanR » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:45 am

You could try 12AT7 tubes for the less gain part.
Some brand 12AX7's are brighter than other brands.
You will just have to buy a bunch and try them out.
More volume? Wow the most I've turned up my Tiny Terror was half way on the 7 watt settings and that was loud enough to play with a loud drummer, bass player and second guitar. I can't see myself needing more volume from my TT.
Tiny Terror Member #52

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Post by Toni Kaku » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:23 am

The usual suggestions for more clean headroom are what VanR suggested: replacing the 12AX7s with some combination of 12AT7, 5751, or 12AU7. I recently replaced my V1 with a 12AT7 - it made a slight difference, but I'm thinking of changing out the V2 as well.

BTW, sleejay - where are you in Japan? It's cool to see another person on this forum over here, especially with Orange gear. Here's the best place I've found for tubes and other amp/guitar parts in Japan:

Hopefully the Japanese isn't a problem for you.

Oh, and check some of these articles for more information, especially the Basics and Guitar Amp Tweak links:
2002 PRS HBI -> Vox Clyde McCoy reissue -> Maxon CP9Pro+ -> SubDecay Liquid Sunshine -> Damage Control Womanizer -> Boss DD-20 -> Orange TT + PPC 112

Snitz User
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Post by Snitz User » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:02 am

Ok slee jay regardless of what tubes you substitute to get lower pre-amp gain also consider what kind of guitar you are playing which you haven't mentioned I would at least use a guitar that has single coils and preferably the bridge pick-up position i.e a Tele or a Strat a P-90 Guitar etc.Also for less overdriven clearer on the edge tone crank the volume up all the way and bring up the gain knob until you get the desired amount of volume.

This will allow the sound of the power tubes to be overdriven not just the pre-amp tubes,this should give you plenty of edgy bite works well for me.I am able to get a very nice "old skool" late 50's rock-a-billy tone this way that kicks butt and is plenty loud enough to keep up with my psychobilly band and has plenty of treble and definition.I am using a Les Paul Junior with a single P-90 in the bridge position to obtain the above tone hope this helps with your Tiny Terror.

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Post by ESBlonde » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:35 pm

In that case, the chances are you have the wrong amp for your particular purpose.

It could be you are used to super clean "zing" tones of a tranny amp and want the TT to do the same. But it is what it is, a simple amp of adequate power designed to maximise the benefits of tubes overdriven. If that's not what you want, then fiddling with it is not the answer, another Orange might suit you better. You can't expect a simple tube amp with a gain volume and single tone knob to be all things to all (wo)men.

Love the TT for what it is, and it is a thing of beauty. If you can't use it, then trade on to another orange.

The TT won't get any more volume because the tubes are (deliberatly) saturated (distorted) to get the signature tone.
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Post by Orphin » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:39 pm

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I know just about NOTHING about tubes, and here's what I want:

- more overall volume
- more treble, chime, brightness, whatever you wanna call it
- less gain, assuming less gain=able to cranke gain knob, hence more volume?

for my Tiny Terror.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
<br />
Tubes won't do drastic changes in terms of volume. The TT simply isn't the amp for you.
I'm speaking out of my a$$. Yours might differ.

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Post by sleejay » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:39 pm


thanks for your replies!!

well some say try 12AT7, 5751, or 12AU7 for more clean headroom,
others say it won't make a difference.
and i've also read somewhere that some tubes are "brighter" than others.

and yes, i'm aware that changing tubes WON'T be like getting a new amp, just very minor differences, and that's all that i'm asking for.

'cause i'm 80-90% satisfied with the TT in the first place

i also have speakers to mess with, i hear very bad things about the G12T-75s in my marshall cab.

anyways, thanks cause you guys have given me a good start, i think i can take it from here!!


hey, i see i have a japanese friend!! are you japanese, or just visiting??
where do you live?? i live in Yokohama.

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Post by Toni Kaku » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:53 pm

sleejay - I'm not Japanese, and not visiting either. I live/work waaaaaaay down on Shikoku in Kochi-ken. I make a habit of scaring the farmers everyday when I get home from work by cranking up the ol' TT.
2002 PRS HBI -> Vox Clyde McCoy reissue -> Maxon CP9Pro+ -> SubDecay Liquid Sunshine -> Damage Control Womanizer -> Boss DD-20 -> Orange TT + PPC 112

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