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Rockerverb 100 MKI: What Year?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:56 am
by rtotaro
I have had a Rockerverb 100 MKI for about two years now and I was wonder what year it was made. I got it used, so I know it isn't super new. I have no idea what year it was made. The serial number is RV100H-A-6078-03-06.

Re: Rockerverb 100 MKI: What Year?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:05 am
by Orphin
03-06 in the end of the serial number is the year and month, so it's from March 2006. I'm not sure how to translate the first four digits though.
You have an "A" in the serial number. The RV100's I have owned didn't have that A.
Great amp btw!

Re: Rockerverb 100 MKI: What Year?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:27 pm
by rtotaro
Yea, great amp. As of right now, it't out of commision because it needs new preamp tubes. When I got it, It had differnt tubes than it would've if it was stock, so i guess the person who had it before me changed them. It's a great amp and I love it to death. Heavy as hell, though. hahah