NAD: Dual Terror (freakin' love this beast!) incl demo

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NAD: Dual Terror (freakin' love this beast!) incl demo

Post by Guitarjon » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:34 pm

I got an Orange Dual Terror recently to round off my Orange lunchbox collection.
It's the only 30w Orange that I currently own.

I've played with this amp quite a bit during the last week and I really love the tones that I'm getting.
I would even say that despite the simple controls it is super versatile.
I've tried to get that across with my video demo in 4 styles:

-The first clip is a clean tone with a coil-tapped neck humbucker on the Tiny Terror channel with only 2 power tubes on.
The clean tones aren't bad at all, sounds pretty good but not as compressed and bassy as I'd like.
I was pleasantly surprised though, definitely useable!

-The second clip is a crunch tone with a bridge humbucker pickup on the fat channel.
Same power modes as the previous clip.
This is where the tonal qualities of this amp really shine.
I can't get enough of this tone, for me it's the ultimate classic rock crunch.

-The third clip is a more modern rock tone with an active bridge pickup and the Tiny Terror channel, also on 2 power tubes.
This amp can get into modern high gain rock territory without any problems.
Love how big and balanced the overall frequency response is and the warm compression.

-The final clip is a heavy metal tone with a seven string baritone guitar that has active pickups.
At first I wasn't even sure if I was going to include a metal clip but when I tried it the results were instantly good.
It does have that warm and middy orange character but boy does it sound good!

Hope you enjoy, would love to know what you guys think and if you have any questions about this amp!

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