Metal...with an orange?

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Metal...with an orange?

Post by My_Last_Sunrise » Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:48 pm

Hey guys im pretty new to the world of orange and this is my first post in the forum. expect to see me post a few more topics in the next little while

anyways i jsut got a rockerverb 50 like a month ago and i love it. however i recently starting jamming with a metalcore type band and im looking to get a crunchier metal type tone out of it. something liek a marshal jcm 2000. i wasnt originally planning on being in a metal band and i still intend on using this amp for my other band so i want to keep the orange

ive kind of noticed that its not that versatile (feel free to disagree) in that you get that awesome orange tone but its really hard to get anything else. pedals and what not have a limited effect on the overall tone. i have a boss metal zone pedal and when i used it it just sounds like a less clear version of the dirty channel.

any recommendations on how i can make my orange rockerverb 50 sound more like a metal guitar head???

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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by fitterhappier » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:28 am

Have you tried an OD pedal in front of it, like a Tubescreamer? I have a TH30, and putting an OD in front of it (a Green Rhino in my case) makes a big difference.

My pedal chain includes 2 noise gates, in addition to an OD pedal and a compressor. You may try a comp as well - it'll squash your dynamics a bit, but it will even out the tone and give you a more narrowly-focused sound. Coupled with an OD pedal, it might get you there.

But honestly, try an OD first. Check the video below - fast forward to when Misha starts playing. It shows the tone straight thru and with a Tubescreamer. HUGE difference dude." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by Les Paul Lover » Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:40 pm

Welcome to the forum!!!!!

I used to own a JCM 2000 DSL 401 (the small 40W combo). The rockerverb will not be as tight as that amp, but can get pretty close with decent EQing.

And you are totally right - the RV50 will sound like a RV50 all the time. That's the beauty of it for me - I absolutely adore its tone!!!!! :mrgreen:

Now... which version of the RV50 do you have? MKI or MKII? If you have the MKI, set the damping switch at the back to "HI". It will tighten things pu a bit.
With regards to EQing, trying adding a lot of treble to your dirty channel, and reduce the mids - bass to taste. I'm sure you'll find that it'll be a lot tighter with loads of highs and less mids ad not too much bass. The JCM has a little if high end sizzle, treble ad Hig mids, whereas the RV naturally has a lot of low end and low mids. But do try those sort of settings, it'll help you get closer to that JCM2000 tone.

As for your metal zone, perhaps you should try it on the clean channel? I don't really use overdrive/distortion as I'm plenty happy with the tone of my RV50.

You'll find the RV50 isn't as tight ad biting as that marshall, but is more articulate and loads warmer IMO. Then it's a matter of horses for courses.... :D

Hope this helps!!!!!

Orange Gear: RV50 MKI, R30, AD15, PPC212
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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by Belzebuth » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:33 pm

-try with a Maxon OD808 maybe to tighten up a bit like this guy ... 4&index=65" onclick=";return false;

-your guitar and EQ have a lot to do with the results, so keep that in minds 8)

-turn your volume up! with less gain
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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by My_Last_Sunrise » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:03 pm

thanks for the replies guys!

in terms of an OD have an MXR custom modified OD but right now i only have it running through the effects loop. i already have 4 cables (effects send, return, channel select, reverb select) running from amp to pedalboard that i havent bothered to put anything in front of my amp but i will try it.

i also have a boss compressor so i'll try using that with the tone up. i jsut dont like using it because the RV50 already has alot of natural compression (especially the dirty channel) and the compressor gets pretty noisy, especially with an od pedal on as well. and actually i find the natural compression to be the problem. i think the rv50 is too compressed for metal, just my opinion.

in terms of EQing it i will work on that. the thing about orange that drew me to it originally was the simplicity and lack of controls. its jsut one amazing tone that you cant really tweak that much. its funny because now im finding that i need that versatility that i was trying to get away from!

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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by fitterhappier » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:52 pm

Put that OD in front of the amp! Then the metullzzzz will come :D

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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by Les Paul Lover » Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:12 pm

Dunno, i find the RV50 very polyvalent, but with its own tone signature.

By the way, a simple danelectro coolcat transparant overdrive, with the treble boosted, transforms my Oranges into my ex DSL.

But i just dont use it that way.... ;)

Orange Gear: RV50 MKI, R30, AD15, PPC212
And.... Genz Benz Black Pearl 30
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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by Woodsie » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:34 pm

My local Orange dealer told me that he recommends and a lot of people have liked the MXR GT-OD in front, set clean, to tighten things up. I find my TS808 dies the same thing. Just a little more nasally.


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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by jason41224 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:38 pm

first, put all pedals in front (not counting some modulation effects, volume boosts, and delay + reverb). putting a tubescreamer type pedal (with gain off, volume up) will tighten things up. then again, so will boosting your midrange and turning down your bass (if you only need one sound, that is).

if you try all this and you can't get the sound you want, you might want to look into some dirt pedals. the Bogner Uberschall or Ecstacy Red both sound just about perfect for what you want. but i'd advise you, less is more. find whatever gain level you think sounds good, then dial back about 10% of that to sound good in a band mix.

but, just in my opinion: if one is being tasteful with their EQ/Gain levels and has the right technique/fingertone for the style, i don't see in what universe a Rockerverb couldn't do metalcore.
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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by rats_eyes » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:38 pm

I use a TH30 in my death metal band, Bonesaw. The dirty channel sounds great, but I don't if it's the sound you're after. I sometimes use the clean channel with a RAT, though not so much. I have LOTS of mid frequencies, it sounds thick and clear. I barely ever use palm muting, so my playing style might be different, quite open and loose.

Even with the really basic EQ / tone controls on the TH30, you can find a good range of sounds. I use a modified Boss GE-7 EQ to give it a bit more range though, maybe an EQ unit could help?

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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by Legend » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:06 pm

TH30 and a Maxon 808 over drive clean boost and a Mesa closed back cabinet=============METAL :D
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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by mr_william » Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:06 pm

as others have said, something to kick the front end a little - an overdrive with the gain set low and the level high works. what guitar are you using/pickups? the voice of the guitar shines through nicely with oranges, so this is something to consider?

it's not gunna sound like the scooped mid "brootal" metal "tonez" with a fizzy preamp like a lot of metal amps tend to.

what it will do is sit with the other guitarist's amp, fill out the mix and allow you to have your own voice in the band!

out of interest, are you struggling to dial it in in the band environment?
Bink wrote:Will you're a genius!! :D
Randy Bass wrote:For the record, mr_william is a genius :D .

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Re: Metal...with an orange?

Post by My_Last_Sunrise » Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:18 am

ok i tried the od in front of the amp and was playing around with the gain knob and i certainly like it better than when i had it in the effects loop. it seemed to suck all the tone away in the loop where as before it just beefs it up a bit i guess. i need to experiment. and yes @mr_william a big problem is that the orange is so warm that it doesnt shine through as well in the mix (not always a bad thing for other genres) so i cant hear myself so i end up turning way up and just completely drown everyone else out

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