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Cautions on buying a Orange 30 Combo

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:30 pm
by Whiplash_131
Hey there, I'm writing from Portugal and I'm officially a new member of this community :)
I bought a Rocker 30C and it should be delivered in my home this week. I'm writing because I want to make shure that my amp come to my home in perfect conditions so I'm wondering which aspects do I consider and how to do a first check up to see if everything is allright with the amp like colours of the valves (if so which colors?). Sorry about my bad english, Best Regards :D

Re: Cautions on buying a Orange 30 Combo

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:57 pm
by Randy Bass
Before you try out your new amp, it is a good idea to make sure that the speaker cable is securely in the output jack on the back (bottom) of the amp and give the visible parts of the amp a thorough visual inspection. Make sure the power cord is securely in its' socket and plugged into an appropriate power outlet. Be sure to warm up the valves by leaving the amp on Standby for a few minutes before playing. When you start playing through the amp, look at the power valves through the top vent (I think) and be sure that they don't get bright red. As long as they are glowing a nice orange color and the amp sounds good, you should be off to crunchytown!

Re: Cautions on buying a Orange 30 Combo

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:35 am
by Whiplash_131
Randy Bass wrote:Before you try out your new amp, it is a good idea to make sure that the speaker cable is securely in the output jack on the back (bottom) of the amp and give the visible parts of the amp a thorough visual inspection. Make sure the power cord is securely in its' socket and plugged into an appropriate power outlet. Be sure to warm up the valves by leaving the amp on Standby for a few minutes before playing. When you start playing through the amp, look at the power valves through the top vent (I think) and be sure that they don't get bright red. As long as they are glowing a nice orange color and the amp sounds good, you should be off to crunchytown!
Thanks for the reply mate. I already got the amp, the lights of the two big valves that i see better are lighty orange (the left one is more lighter than the right). I always forgot to warm up the valves with my previous amp, I will try harder to not do the same thing with this one :)

Re: Cautions on buying a Orange 30 Combo

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:07 pm
by a.hun
Randy Bass wasn't referring to the normal glow from the valve 'heaters' near the middle but what is called RED PLATING.

You don't ever want to see that, as it means the valves are running way too hot and are in danger of meltdown.


Re: Cautions on buying a Orange 30 Combo

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:31 pm
by Whiplash_131
a.hun wrote:Randy Bass wasn't referring to the normal glow from the valve 'heaters' near the middle but what is called RED PLATING.

You don't ever want to see that, as it means the valves are running way too hot and are in danger of meltdown.

Sorry, when I read that I didn't pay attention do the red colour of the valve part, I was tired. Yes ok, I suppose their are good thought, because the orange colour of the valves seems quite beautiful :)
Bad english :(
Thanks for the reply mate :mrgreen: