I'm afraid that my Paul is a mud slinger

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Post by jojo68 » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:51 pm

CustomsLou wrote:
somedude wrote:
Someone needs a cold beer and a time out from the internet... :P

Fair's fair. I go through days like that too. In fact, I think I'm going through something similar in the V30 thread... only I edited my response 5 or 6 times trying to tone down my irritation so I didn't get another warning.
I appreciate that you're trying to defuse my anger, but I'm really not angry.

You've been here for only a few months, so you haven't seen all of the Gibson bashing.

It's been going on for a few years here, with no end in sight.

It's almost as bad as the Tokai forums, where they bash Gibson all the time.

Enough is enough.

There is no reason to denigrate what other people own in this world.

Those that do it should analyze why they feel the need to do it.
I'm with ya. It's ALOT worse over at harmony central. It seems alot of fender players hate gibson. I really don't see it the other way around. Makes me hate teles, all the jerkwads that play them.

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Re: I'm afraid that my Paul is a mud slinger

Post by rrrajo » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:55 pm

Bluz57 wrote:
Deacon Blues wrote:damn...i just bought a tele and it made me realize what a mud slinger my les paul is. i love the look of this guitar and i've bonded with it...i don't know what to do. i've lusted over the new es 339s so maybe i'll sell it to finance the purchase of one of those.

the tele sounds incredible through my AD30, you guys were right about that. its like hearing a brand new amp
but of course it is, what did you expect :?:
Muddy boots tramping in Muddy waters will make for some fine Mud-slinging. Not to mention muddy sounds.

Prince of Orange
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Post by Bluz57 » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:28 pm

Well, I can't help it any, they sound like what they sound like.For MY type of music and and style they are too muddy. What do you want me to do , lie to you and say something different.I had a Les Paul standard with BB #1 and #2 and RS guitarworks pots caps and wiring. I played it through my Orange Retro 50 and recorder some songs. It sounded muddy as hell, so I sold it.They are fine with certain amps and with the right pickups.For certain types of music like Southern Rock.Just not my thing. Does that mean they are no good? Hell no I didn't say that.They are just not what I need.
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Post by d1dsj » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:52 pm

Haven't read all the replys, but I just this evening was playing my Yam SG (similar construction to an LP)... pick ups are S.D custom (ceramic mag) bridge and S.D Pearly Gates (PGn (A2 Mag)) neck. Well,. the ceramic was kind a cold yet harsh, the PGn was very dark and "muddy". So, 1 hour later and I've swapped the magnets, I put an A5 in the custom which sounds nice... warm, hot vintage kinda sound, and I put an A4 in the PG... WOW, very warm, smooth and balanced... much MUCH clearer sounding than with an A2. So all in all a cheap fix to a great guitar... about £10 sterling without having to fork out for new pick ups!

Norrin Radd
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Post by Norrin Radd » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:08 pm

Sheesh. Let me clear up some confusion. I think when people say LPs are muddy, they are getting mixed up because of all the mud they happen to dredge up in their work. If you take a look at this one resting on the bench, you can see where the confusion may lie:



BTW, in MY LP copy, I put in PRS Dragon 1s, and all new electronics (cheap stuff, too) no more mud. :D

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Post by LeonC » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:40 pm

Can't speak to the AD30 part of the equation...but all Les Pauls are not created equal. I love a good, non-muddy Les Paul. There are plenty out there. My fave is an old LP Custom with pretty low output pickups...but my '03 LP standard sounds great through my Orange, IMO. No mud in sight.

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Post by CustomsLou » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:04 am

I know that I shouldn't have bothered.

It's always the same old story.

Clay, with all due respect, how many LPs have you owned?

You had 1 that you consider muddy so that defines all LPs for you?

I've played plenty of shitty Fenders but I don't go around judging all Fenders by the lousy ones.

I stand by what I said- all of it.

Nonetheless, I won't bother with this anymore.

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Post by Van Cleef » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:07 am

anyone here says a bad word about my electric blue $75 Stagg bass and they better bring some ar-tillery

LIKE SPACE ROCK? = VAN CLEEF @ BANDCAMP http://vancleef.bandcamp.com/


Post by Joshlespaul1952 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:10 am

Van Cleef wrote:anyone here says a bad word about my electric blue $75 Stagg bass and they better bring some ar-tillery


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Post by Van Cleef » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:14 am

it's like this

(with the rocker 30 at least)

if i thought i could dial in a great tone with a jazzmaster bridge pickup,

and then plug in the LP and expect to get a great bridge tone without changing the EQ on the amp...

i'd be one naive s.o.b
LIKE SPACE ROCK? = VAN CLEEF @ BANDCAMP http://vancleef.bandcamp.com/

Deacon Blues
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Post by Deacon Blues » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:47 am

WTF....please relax everyone.

this isn't ultimate guitar.com
My name is Alex. I used to have an AD30HTC, but now I have an RV50 and PPC212.

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Post by LeonC » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:48 am

One other point worth noting; many won't agree but there's also the notion that tone is "in the fingers". This doesn't mean (to me) that some guy can take a strat and make it sound like a Les Paul with just his fingers--it means that the nature of and quality of the overall "tone" part of your sound is to a good extent, a function of the way you go about playing. The physics of your particular technique.

I taught professionally for almost 8 years and can tell you that there are some folks who, IMO, will simply never sound any good. Not even so much because they never really learned to play that well (though that often goes hand in hand) but because their technique is just...well...awful. They just aren't able to hold the strings down and hit pluck or hit them right. Just like some people are naturals...others are, um, un-naturals. No comments about anyone in this thread; but the point is, how you physically play the instrument most definitely affects how it sounds.

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Post by LeonC » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:53 am

Along those lines...a funny anecdote worth mentioning. You know the song "Drift Away" by Dobie Gray? From the time that song came out ('74 or so?) until a few years ago, it was my favorite example of the kind of tone I love hearing from a Tele.

Then I ran into noted guitar builder, Bill Chapin, and this came up in conversation at one point. He told me that he had met Reggie Young who played guitar on Dobie's recording. You know what? It wasn't a Tele, it was a Les Paul Deluxe!!! Dayum!!!!! I would never, ever have believed that. But Reggie Young is an absolutely KILLER player and I'll be damned if he doesn't get totally convincing tele tones out of that Deluxe!!

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Post by damienwatt_au » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:16 am

pile of poop!

sounds like some mutha dollywaggle@rs here had some haterade!!!!

ok because everyone is just bitching n crap i thought i would try a few suggestions....

TV jones make great pikups that are known for there clarity and single coil presence but still being a humbucker.

(click on the compare all pickups link on the left to get a good idea on tones)

im sure these pickups will get rid of that 'mid range hump sound that seemed to take over your neck pickup'

also a lot of people are liking the sheptone pickups


there are also a bunch of sound clips.

hopefully this will help your troubles.

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Post by Bluz57 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:38 am

I am not sure how I became such a fan of the telecaster.I think the particular instrument chose me.At any rate I sound my best an play my best on those guitars.May just be a character flaw eh?My bass player keeps telling me that I need to sell everything else.He is probably right.
I think it is great that alot of you find the Les Paul a fine instrument. I have the Les Paul with the P90's.It sounds great, but still just isn't my thing.I think I will take a close look at keeping most of my telecasters , a couple of strats and my ES175,and selling the rest.
On a side note, Danny Gatton played a Les Paul for years before he switched to the telecaster. He was an amazing guitarist. :)
Paint it blue 4 soul.

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