Help me build a pedal board.

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Tiny Terror
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Help me build a pedal board.

Post by cica1066 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:06 pm

O wise and informed sages of oranges I call upon thee for advice. Ive decided that ive out grown my multi effects pedal so im gonna need a chorus pedal a tremelo a reverb and a delay pedal as those were the only i have 400 pounds to spend at the mo. Im goning for a indie rock type sound, versitlity is key really. dont have to get them all at once but telling me whats hot and whats not will be a help as its fair distance from a decent guitar shop for me. I have a rocker 30 combo and a 1x12 extention no power supply for pedals too.
thanks in advance

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Re: Help me build a pedal board.

Post by jason41224 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:28 pm

could you be a little more specific? you say you want an indie sound, but a lot of delay, chorus, tremolo, or reverb tones can't really be classified by genre. for delay, analog, digital, tape sounds? for reverb, spring, hall, modulated sounds? for trem, square wave or sine (or both?)? etc.

but given the very small information you've thrown out, something like this might be a good start (these are dollar amounts, 400 pounds is about equal to $650)

Boss TR2 Tremolo-$80
EHX Holy Grail Nano-$120
Boss CE5 Chorus-$100
TC Electronic Nova Repeater-$200
Pedaltrain Mini-$70
One Spot-$30

That fits in your budget with about $50 (or however many pounds) to spare. but that's just my taste. personally, i can't stand chorus, never use tremolo, and only occasionally use reverb. but i love delay. so how I personally would spend that money would be very different, but don't listen to me. if you're like me, spoil yourself on a nice expensive delay pedal and prioritize your expenses that way. you'll be much happier. alternatively, you could also look at getting something like a Line 6 M5 as a single multi-effect pedal that would let you choose between sounds that you may only use once in a blue moon (like tremolo or chorus for me)
Rocker 30
too many pedals

Tiny Terror
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Re: Help me build a pedal board.

Post by oranginator » Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:16 pm

cica1066 wrote:O wise and informed sages of oranges I call upon thee for advice. Ive decided that ive out grown my multi effects pedal so im gonna need a chorus pedal a tremelo a reverb and a delay pedal as those were the only i have 400 pounds to spend at the mo. Im goning for a indie rock type sound, versitlity is key really. dont have to get them all at once but telling me whats hot and whats not will be a help as its fair distance from a decent guitar shop for me. I have a rocker 30 combo and a 1x12 extention no power supply for pedals too.
thanks in advance
Reverb Pedal-- Do NOT follow any recommendations given, period. Everyone seems to recommend differently based on playing style. If you don't believe me, try doing a google search. You will HAVE to go around and play with them yourself in order to be happy. I didn't like the Hall of Fame reverb, even though it's currently being raved about (too many damned controls and modes). I've heard great things about the Spring Chicken. I tried Guitar Center's exclusive Reverb pedal (forgot the brand), and I thought it was actually quite good, but too expensive. Digital Reverb is a bitch, and it takes some hunting to find one that blends with your style. Analogue reverb is the way to go if you need deep, huge, natural reverb sounds. Me, I only need a small amount of depth with my music, so I could probably get by with Digital.

Delay Pedal - Most will do the job. You can go digital here for a cleaner reproduction. I do the Boss DD-3, and I feel it meets my needs.

Chorus - Get analogue. I recommend the Small Clone Mini Chorus. No reason why you should get a digital pedal for this. I'd put my SC Mini Chorus up against anything.

Tremolo - Can't help you because I don't use this effect.

Good job on getting rid of the multi-pedal. Single pedals offer more in flexibility and quality IMO. Remember, the more simple the pedal, the better it is. Same goes for amps. I'd rather take only a few features done EXCEEDINGLY well, then to have more features/controls that aren't done as well or as meaningful. I know many seasoned guitarists will agree with me.

The Rocker 30 has no effects loop, as you know. You will only be able to do LIGHT reverb effects out front. It will sound like pile of poop with lots, or even medium distortion. Reverb basically has to be in an effects loop for most use, sadly. Chorus and Digital Delay should also be in the effects loop, but you can probably get by with putting it in-front if you play with it enough.

You may want to look into the Voodoo Labs Pedal 2 Power supply. Very nice quality unit, and comes with cables. Pedaltrain makes plenty of pedal boards. Just make sure to get one to where you can plan for the future.

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Re: Help me build a pedal board.

Post by Jondog » Tue May 01, 2012 12:18 pm

I play through a Rocker 30. My goal has been to find pedals that are transparent enough that they don't take away from my amp...I've been through a bunch of pedals and I find that I'm having good luck with MXR pedals, and they are true bypass as well unlike Boss which are buffered. Thats not always a bad thing but when you line up too many Boss pedals I found them to suck tone. I have some expensive pedals too that are great but that would put you over your budget. If you are going to use reverbs and delay in front of your amp (which you will on a rocker), I suggest you keep your amp at a nice light crunch tone (mine is around 1:00 on gain), and get a nice boost or overdrive pedal to push the gain on your amp. I have a BB preamp and I can pretty much replicate my amps higher gain tone with this pedal. I reccomend the MXR chorus, nice lush tones, one knob for speed and the rest is blended in just nicely, not too little, not too much. Pretty much a chorus pedal when you need one that you don't have to fine tune.

hellagnar Brosevelt
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Re: Help me build a pedal board.

Post by hellagnar Brosevelt » Wed May 02, 2012 5:00 pm

I use Delay, Reverb and Trem. I have tried tons and finally got stoked on this set up.

Fulltone Supa Trem. Amazing versatility and works great as a tone pump as well.
Cmatmods Deeelay. Great digital delay that sounds nice and warm. Doesn't do any wacky stuff just the basics really well.
Boss FRV-1. Surf and splash through real dark Neil Young sounds. If you are dialing in a sound and leave it on all the time I think it is perfect.
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