Reverb with AD30TCH

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Post by whoodt » Mon May 13, 2002 5:15 pm

Hi, I've had my Orange head for a couple months now and I almost fell off my chair when I heard it (mail ordered and it was a long tough battle as I live in Canada) I'm into Brit Rock so the sounds bang on. I'm not really a fantastic player just plugging away and learning as I go....but I love this amp here. Channel 2 is truely sweet although a completely different beast than say a Marshall that I have. As you all know, this head is quite precise sounding in that the signal going in to the speakers are quite dry, I thought for the clean channel I would like to get some reverb going and I DONT KNOW WHAT TO go with.....I thought about a boss pedal reverb.....what do you guys think? Any ideas? Cheers.

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Post by voodoochild292 » Tue May 14, 2002 5:10 pm

Depends what kind of reverb you're looking for. I found the Boss reverb pedal to be good for small room or large hall sounds. But if you're looking for a warm spring-like reverb, I would look for something else. Maybe a spring reverb unit.

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Post by theschickster » Tue May 14, 2002 9:54 pm

Little Lanilei Reverb Pedalâ„¢

The first foot pedal spring reverb!
Adds classic spring reverb to any amplifier!

Zero Noise and Zero Tone Loss -
Even on High Gain Amps!
Here's a link to this pedal. Thinking about the EH Holy Grail, go with the AnalogMan true bypass mod. He sells new ones all ready modded. Stock, this pedal is not true bypass and the reverb noise gets through even when it is OFF, more noise when you turn up the reverb knob higher. So this pedal is much better with the true bypass option, I highly recommend it.

Edited by - theschickster on 14 May 2002 21:55:46

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Post by gearnut » Wed May 15, 2002 8:01 pm

I'd definitely go with true bypass only. Anything that isn't definitely colors the sound of my head noticebly.

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Post by theschickster » Wed May 15, 2002 8:27 pm

For sure gearnut, in my younger days of playing i had never heard of such a thing as true bypass. For anyone that doesnt know non true bypass pedals cut out high end and clarity. Leaveing the sound muddy and weak. If you do not have a FX loop and put your pedals in front of your amp. You need true bypass pedals or a true bypass looper. I have one of these for my delay and phaser pedals. It is a 3 switch box with separite loops for each pedal. Hence makeing them true bypass. With out mods and some cant even be modded. Plus you save wear and tear on those pedals. <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

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Post by theschickster » Thu May 16, 2002 8:37 pm

I figured i had a liitle more about he true bypass thing. Basicly if it is not bypassed the signal goes through the circuitry of the pedal. If it is bypassed the signal goes straight through the input jack through the switch and out the output jack. Leaving no degraded signal. Big Muffs and Wahs are the worst i have tried. You can mod a wah very easyly yourself. The Fulltone web site has instructions for this in this link.
I'm still working on modding my Big Muff. Analogman sells these new with the mod also Of course with the AD30TC Head you wont need a Big Muff. But with older vintage Orange amps a Big Muff is great. If you like that sort of thing.<img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>

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Post by whoodt » Wed May 22, 2002 4:08 am

Thanks for all the response, will sort out the reverb situation basically, if I ask the people working in stores about whether what I'm buying is a true bypass effect, they will know...and one stupid question, when true bypass is only relevant when the effect is OFF right? if it's on all the time, the signal is going straight into the effect circuit right, so the tone gets colored anyways? Gees that sounded like the stupidest question ever....I wont bother with the modding and all with my limited gear, just want to play guitar well....

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Post by melj » Wed May 22, 2002 10:09 am

Bear in mind that true bypass isn't always the best solution - if you have lots of pedals and long leads, all true bypass, you effectively have an extremely long lead, which leads to degradation of tone in itself. In some cases (not all, though), buffered outputs are a better bet. Just ask Roger Mayer!

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Post by theschickster » Wed May 22, 2002 11:14 pm

Yeah it's sometimes good to have a buffer in front of your other true bypass effects. Alot of people have found this out. But it's your choice. AS far as the q. Yes it is for when the effect is off. When on it uses the effect. When off it bypasses the whole thing. With the AD30TC i have found that true bypass is a must for me. Though with a NEW Maxon pedal i tried there was very little tone suckage. But i choose to keep them all out of the loop with this amp. Some are worse than others. Yes the music stores should know what your asking. Most pedals that have true bypass advertise it. Good stores will know what your talking about. Good stores are hard to find around here. None of them even have boutique pedals. I order all mine on the internet. Which stinks because i can't try them out. I mainly go on reviews at

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Post by theschickster » Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:06 pm


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Post by Tibor » Tue Jun 18, 2002 4:09 pm

What do you thinck of the Matamp Reverb Tank.......maybe something for you...

Why is an ORANGE, orange? If it would be Green it would be an apple....

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Post by Meole » Tue Jun 18, 2002 4:28 pm

If the pedals are not true bypass, you could run the pedals when you are using one channel, and
set the other channel up to sound as like the guitar without pedals, but with them off.
You would have to try and match the tone of the guitar only, to the guitar with the pedals connected but deactivated.

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