What Made You Choose ORANGE?

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What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by b80 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:47 pm

Out of the many options for amplification, what made you land on Orange?

For me, it was seeing a few of my favorite bands use them with great success. Dropkick Murphys, Presidents of the United States of America, Hot Water Music, Eagles of Death Metal, MxPx, Against Me!, PUP, the Bronx, Cluth, Face to Face just to name a few.

Also, aesthetically speaking, the juxtaposition of the Orange against the black backdrop of a stage is very pleasing.

What about you folks?
My band The Start Up

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by Jondog » Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:19 pm

For me it was just from constantly seeing them when they first started popping up here in Canada. Everytime I went in the music shop these new bright colored amps just stuck out from everything else and my curiosty got me and eventually I had to get one. Bought a Tiny Terror and PPC112 and gradually moved up the line from there. At the time I was kind of losing interest in playing, and Orange brought it back.

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by Norrin Radd » Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:53 pm

I went to my local shop and plugged in a Rory Strat into the dirty channel of an RV50. That was enough!

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by adkguy07 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:48 am

I came across Clutch and their guitar player Tim Sult whose; playing complimented their sound so well. He seemed to favor Orange as well as Marshall. While Marshall is played by everyone, it seems, I wanted a different sound and read up on all things Orange and before long, got the Micro Dark. I liked it so much, I then chose the Dark Terror and a PPC112. That was three years ago and I think I'm now a confirmed Orange devotee.


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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by bclaire » Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:58 pm

Randomly went to see a band called The Streets in 1976-78. The guitar player had two full Orange OR120 stacks and sounded amazing. His name was Johnny A. His playing and that tone changed my life.


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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by mici88 » Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:42 am

Well, colour. Seriously, it just caught my eye ten years ago or so. It was like seeing a beautiful, red-coloured '70s Mustang amongst gray, boring Volkswagens. If Orange was not orange, then I would probably walk away. I can't remember exact model, but one of them was standing in local studio, I plugged in and knew right away it is the tone I was looking for - full, heavy, chunky, fat, loud and so on.

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by Boy_Narf » Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:26 pm

The forum lives on.

As a younger feller one of my favourite bands was Underoath. Guitarist played a Rocker 30 into a PPC212 for a few years. It was such a unique sound and look in that genre that I had to have it!!! I was dumb at the beginning and figured I wanted the bigger version of his rig (RV100/PPC412). I got the R30 and 212 a while later and still have/love the head.

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by langmurf » Wed Jan 22, 2020 1:42 am

Drummer first... “guitarist” second. Play at home solely for my own amusement.

Got into trying different amps after joining TGP (thegearpage.net). Had some extra money so started buying/selling amps just to try different ones. Probably have owned about 30 amps in the last 10 years. All kinds of amps... from SS to tube, from 1w to 120w.

Thought I was a “Marshall guy.” Bought an OR15 but couldn’t bond with it b/c it had a 50/60Hz squeal that I didn’t know could be fixed by an internal pot. (Or so I read...) So returned it to GC.

Then got my hands on a Hardwired Tiny Terror. Absolutely LOVED that amp. Long story short, had to sell it.

Missed the Orange sound. Went to GC and tried a Rocker 15 Combo and was, honestly, underwhelmed in the store. Didn’t buy it.

A month or two go by... I sell something else and have the coin to buy an amp. Go to GC and buy a Rocker 15 Combo figuring if I got it home and didn’t like it, I’d just return it.

Got it home and... it blew my mind. Got a Two Stroke pedal too and am done with my amp search. For life, for real. Orange amps have the absolute best dirty sounds. Period. If I want Marshall tones, I can get them from the R15. Can’t get Orange tones out of a Marshall. Nope.

So that’s my Orange story.

And... the first time I saw an Orange amp onstage was at a Zappa show at the Academy Of Music on 14th street in NYC. I forget what tour/year it was... I was a huge Zappa fan and saw the Mothers and Zappa many, many times. I remember, and I know not why, thinking the Orange amp was a French amp. Hahahahaha. What a dope!
Orange Rocker 15 Combo, Orange Two Stroke
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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by groundmeat » Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:53 am

My Rockerverb 100 mkIII had a rebate deal where you mailed off your receipt and form for a free Orange t-shirt, a 2-button footswitch, and padded amp cover.

I use the amp as a $2200 door-stop. I just really wanted that t-shirt man.


But seriously.

I hated Oranges ever since I first saw them in the mid-90's. They were always trendy kitschy bullshit in my opinion. I didn't understand the pictures instead of words over the knobs. STUPID AMPS! GET IT OUTTA HERE!

And on into the 2010's, I still had the same opinion: "Meh! Hipster bullshit! Get thee hence, hipster amp!"

And then one day me and my old man were in a store looking for a dirt pedal for him to play bass with. I was wanting to ditch my rackmount setup for a traditional head and pedals kinda deal, and figured I'd go with a standard issue Marshall amp or a Peavey. My dad saw it sitting there (a used Rockerverb 100 mkIII) and said, "What about that one?" I said, "No, I'm not into Oranges." "Just try it.", he said. So I did. And it BLEEEEEEEW MY MIND with how simple and perfect and beautiful and perfect and perfect (because it's very perfect, don'tcha know) it was.

So I saved for about a year and finally bought one. And while I was in the process of saving, I travelled far and wide, trying every amp I came across, and none of them had the mojo and the magic that an Orange Rockerverb mk3 does. I even tried a Rockerverb mk2. I didn't like it. The mk3 is WAY better sounding. The Marshall DSL100's are okay... but nothing you want if you actually CARE what you sound like. The Marshall JVM100 was good,... but it's got 9 channels (3 with 3 modes per channel) and endless rows of knobs that reach 3 freakin' stories high. It's just overly complicated. Over complication is what my rack setup was and what I wanted to escape from. The beauty of Oranges are the simplicity and functionality. My philosophy about guitar used to be OPTIONS, OPTIONS, OPTIONS! I spent more time fiddly-farting with options than playing half the time. Now my philosophy is K.I.S.S.: KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID.

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by OrangeBoy » Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:48 am

I was over my Fender Blues Jnr that I had for ten years. Loved it clean but when pushed it never quite sounded right to me. Soo... I researched a suitable 15 Watt amp as a replacement and settled on an OR15 which I still have and really enjoy it's tones. Up until then I knew nothing about Orange (except for an AC/DC video where they are playing Gone Shootin' through Orange Stacks. Loved the tone they produced, still do). Anyway ended up buying a Micro Terror, Dark Terror and CR60 because I became addicted to the Orange sound.

Funnily, after about five or six years I GASd for another Blues Jnr and bought a Blues Junior III Woody with Jensen P12Q speaker and Ash cabinet. It's what I wished the original Blues Jnr was, a much better amp.

Oh, almost forgot! I also have a Bax Bangeetar. Great sounding Orange there for sure!

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by a.hun » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:19 am

Favourite colour, needed a bigger amp for bass, had to try the bright orange thing in the shop.

That was in 1980. Still have that thing, couple of smaller things too.

aNDyH. :wink:

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by bclaire » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:01 pm

Here's a close-up of the above picture. Still ridiculously blurry, but you can see four Orange 4X12's and the two OR120's.

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by bfitz » Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:05 pm

All the player's in and around where I come from had either Fender DeVilles or HRDs or Marshall DSL 50s. I tried an ac30, a Marshall JCM800 (which I really thought I wanted), a Marshall JVM, a vintage modern (which was nice) and a Fender twin and nothing really made me say wow until I asked a dealer in the next city over if hed get me in a Rockerverb 100 with a PPC212CB......i was blown away.

I've since had the Tiny Terror, an AD5, a Rockerverb 50 combo mk1 and a Rocker 30. I'm now on an AD30 and it's the best one I've played of all the orange amps I've had the pleasure to play.

The midrange is its own thing obviously but in fairness Orange amps are just rock and roll heaven. They do it all... Would love to have a blast on a vintage Or120 to see what it's all about.

I'm pairing the orange with a Hot Rod Deluxe at the moment and am really enjoying it. Tone for days yo!


Orange AD30
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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by yossarian83 » Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:30 pm

Another Clutch fan here. I must’ve been about ‘96 when I started listening but the guitar tone on their 2nd and 3rd albums was predominately Orange. It was soooo different from everything I’d grown up listening to at that point... dark, fuzzy, and heavy as hell. I immediately fell in love and, by 2000, had my first OR120 (a ‘73) :D
Lots of lunch money went into that purchase!

I even sold my guitar to have enough money and was left with only a loaner Carvin solid maple LP jr copy. It weighed a ton but still that thing freaking rocked. I eventually realized that what I really needed was a car and that my parents had no intention of buying me one so the amp went and my car came. didn’t manage to get another until 2008, when folks were selling OR120’s for under 1k

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Re: What Made You Choose ORANGE?

Post by ArchDill » Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:50 am

Boy_Narf wrote:
Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:26 pm
The forum lives on.

As a younger feller one of my favourite bands was Underoath. Guitarist played a Rocker 30 into a PPC212 for a few years. It was such a unique sound and look in that genre that I had to have it!!! I was dumb at the beginning and figured I wanted the bigger version of his rig (RV100/PPC412). I got the R30 and 212 a while later and still have/love the head.

Same for me! I got an ad30 when I was still playing rock music. Now I mainly play post-rock and at church. I switch the speakers and tubes and it sounds pretty dang good on mostly clean.

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