A.Hun, conclusion?

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Duke of Orange
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A.Hun, conclusion?

Post by Jondog » Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:04 pm

Tell us how you feel after 14 years? :lol:
Sorry, was searching something for a recent thread and stumbled on it...
Andy H. wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:46 pm
Shock, horror. Only one knob on a channel?
Well, I don't know how the amp is going to sound, but if that channel is good enough, a volume control is all that is needed!

"What about tone control?" I hear you say.
"What's that knob on your guitar, possibly labelled 'tone' for then?

I have a couple of small amps with just a volume and a tone control. And frankly the tone on the amp is usually redundant as it is mostly pretty much full open. Just back off from the guitars tone control, to taste.

It always amazes me how many guitarists never, ever use the tone controls on their guitars. (If you do, my apologies - and ignore the next bit!!!)

For cleaner sounds, yep, you probably want to open up the tone near full. When you go for more drive though, try backing it off a bit. It's a balancing act, but there is always a sweet spot there between gain and tone. Generally the higher the gain, the more you have to back off the tone to find it. And of course you use the volume on the guitar to control gain too, don't you!
Generally, I set up the basic sound(s) on the amp, then leave it be. (With only a volume, this couldn't possibly be easier!) The fine controls for gain and tone are already on the guitar. (Unless you bought one of those recent electrics with no tone control - tough luck!)
Try it - it's a way of life!

Tone controls in an amp circuit always suck some tone, and probably some gain too. The AD 50 and Retro 50 amps have the ability to take the tone controls completely out of circuit for example, which makes perfect sense to me.

If Orange get the voicing of that channel on the new Rocker 30 right, I'm sure it will make a lot of sense to a lot more folks too. Fingers crossed!
<img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>
Interesting read actually, from when the Rocker first came out and reading peoples reactions to it and now it has this sort of cult status as an amp.

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