BLUES Fans: Music Videos feat. my Dual Terror

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BLUES Fans: Music Videos feat. my Dual Terror

Post by steveyraff » Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:39 pm

Hey all,

Well, I thought I'd post these incase some of you were interested. I know when I am thinking about buying amps and other gear, I enjoy checking out as many video and audio demonstrations as possible. I'm not one for shameless self promotion of my music, so I'd like to stress I am only doing this for those who may be interested in buying a Dual Terror. These videos showcase quite a number of tones. With that in mind, I'm not looking for a musical critique - but thanks anyway lol.

The gear used here is very simple as this was more or less a live recording. It was recorded in my recording studio (Outland Studios). I am running an Orange Dual Terror with a full cryo-Harma re-valve. It is running into a 1x12 cab into which I fitted a Celestion Classic Lead 80.

The pedalboard is simple and contains a Keeley 4-knob Compressor, CAE 404 Wah, a Boss Volume pedal and a TC Polytuner (All Lava and Planet Waves cables).

It's mic'd up with a single E906, just straight up to the grill with no roll off engaged.

The preamp is a DAV BG-1 and its being recorded with Logic Pro 9. Thats about it asides from some very mild Pultec-Pro EQ, and UA LA2A compression.

The guitar is a PRS 25th Anniversary model Swamp Ash Special with Narrowfield pickups. These pickups were wound on the machine that wound some of the original Gibson Les Paul buckers. They are a little inbetween both Humbuckers and Singles. With various selection options its possible to obtain both kinds of tones.

There is 11 live videos recorded (flaws 'n' all). It's all pretty much blues - with a hint of funk, rockabilly, soul. The tones I choose are fairly clean. I used the Fat Channel for cleans as I like them thick, and the Terror for a lead boost. Surprisingly, the Gain settings on both channels are quite similar. The Fat Channel is just before 11 o'clock. I like my cleans to have a fair amount of bite but without any real break up. When I am using my neck pickups or split positions where the Narrowfield pickups take on a more single coil personality - the tone is even cleaner.

The Terror channel for lead boosts is still fairly tame - just about 1 o'clock. Just enough bite to drive, but with enough fluidity that it has a liquid-like, unfuzzy quality. Not that I was ever a major fan, I like an SRV kinda lead tone.


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