Open Back vs. Closed Back

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Re: Open Back vs. Closed Back

Post by bobbypfalcon » Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:01 pm

I used to own an RV50 combo and now own the RV50 head and ppc212. The open-backed combo has more sound diffusion but is less precise-sounding. Either set-up will fill a room with sound but the closed back will have more bottom-end and be more directional. I like both but prefer the closed-back for the stoner rock I play. peace.

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Re: Open Back vs. Closed Back

Post by firebird1999us » Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:54 pm

I used to have an AD30r Combo and would often plug my RV50 head into it...there was a world of difference in the sound. A lot more highs and less lows with the open back cab, more fact it seemed miuch, much louder! I've had my PPC412 for a while now and while it's a good sounding cab cranked it seems to feel a bit lacking at middle volumes. I'm planning on getting an open back cab now in the near future now that Orange is making them :)

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Re: Open Back vs. Closed Back

Post by Jabberwocky » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:19 am

Speaking from experience, I owned the closed back 212 for 2 years and used it for gigs of 200 seats +, but I recently traded it for a 212 OB. The CB kicked out a fabulous sound, but I found the cab was not great if not a fully mic'd up with a good stage monitor setup. Drummer could never hear me as all the sound was directed out front, which played havoc with cues.

The CB 212 is UK made, thus is more expensive, but the quality of build is flawless. This beast is HEAVY and bulky. The sound is dark and directed. Awesome if that is what you are after.

I traded my CB 212 in for an OB for two main reasons. The CB was breaking my back as my band do not have the luxury of roadies, and the OB is considerably lighter and smaller. Now the drummer can hear me without my needing to mic up for smaller gigs, and I do not notice much loss of sound quality. The OB is Chinese made, which is why it is much cheaper, and this does show in the build quality, with less than perfoect Tolex joins and the odd air bubble....

Bang for buck, I am glad I changed. The 212 OB kicks out a brighter sound which seems to fill the stage more. The cab is eminently portable, and looks awesome. The price economy is due to more than just a piece of extra ply in the back. The cab is shorter, narrower and shallower. I suspect the ply is not as dense or void free as the UK made 212 CB. The drivers are set diagonally rather that horizontally, thus packing 'em in tighter, but the sound is still classic V30, and if you record, you can slap a mic in the back as well as out frount and give yourself more sound texture.

If I had roadies, I would have at least two CB 212 cabs, if not two 412s. As a hard working local band stuck with self roadie duties, it made more sense to have a single 212 OB. That way I get that great Orange sound with no pulled muscles..............
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Re: Open Back vs. Closed Back

Post by fiveightandten » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:49 am

firebird1999us wrote:I used to have an AD30r Combo and would often plug my RV50 head into it...there was a world of difference in the sound. A lot more highs and less lows with the open back cab, more fact it seemed miuch, much louder! I've had my PPC412 for a while now and while it's a good sounding cab cranked it seems to feel a bit lacking at middle volumes. I'm planning on getting an open back cab now in the near future now that Orange is making them :)
Definitely a difference. I've plugged my AC-30 into my Orange 4x12, and my OR-120's into the AC-30's blues (attenuator bogging them down). There's some interesting sounds to be had. For a while, I was putting the AC-30 on top of my Hiwatt 4x12 and running all 6 speakers. That was a killer sound.

You got a Yaris to go along with that SN95!? When did this happen, and why wasn't I consulted? :lol:

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