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Tiny Terror
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:56 am


Post by groundmeat » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:14 am

jangle wrote:
Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:18 pm
I'm guessing I'm not the first to discover this ex post facto design limitation the hard way. I'm guessing I'm not the first to resent such a trifling incompatibility. I'm guessing I'm not the first to shrug my shoulders and cough up for a new pedalboard merely to get the additional clearance of a fraction of an inch with all other conditions remaining the same.
Nah, where there's a will, there's DAMN WELL a way. I believe the pedaltrain boards all have those round rubber feet on the corners. I'm not sure how those attach exactly, but I'm assuming it's with screws through the rubber feet. With a quick search, I found these at Amazon.

https://www.amazon.com/Large-Extra-Tall ... 00S2D3FPY/

Maybe those aren't tall enough... or not the right size? Cheaper and (maybe) easier fix: get a bunch of galvanized washers about the same diameter as the rubber feet. Find a longer screw of the same size. Use a hacksaw to cut it to the proper length if necessary. If you can't find a screw like that... find ANOTHER screw. Drill a hole all the way through the boards corner and insert the screw through the top of the board with a nut inside the rubber foot, probably use washers between the screw head and board, and the rubber foot and board.

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Post by bfitz » Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:23 am

Current setup on my main board. Most recent additions have been the Nomad (A Foxx Tone Machine style fuzz with upper octave switch and the Catalinbread Echorec) My wah is modded for Bass as well which gives some interesting options on the guitar. I usually have the ditto away if im jamming or playing and use an Orange Amp Detonater to run a wet/dry with my Orange Ad30 (Dry) and a Fender HRD (Wet). But at the moment I'm running into a Boss Nextone


Orange AD30
Groove Tubes Soul-O 75
Orange PPC 212 OB
Boss Nextone 40
Fender CIJ Pink Paisley Tele
Fender Classic Player Strat 50s
Yamaha SA1200s
Gibson Les Paul Standard
Gibson SG Jnr

Tiny Terror
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:56 am


Post by groundmeat » Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:08 am

Don't have a board yet. Pedals go wherever the hell I have room for them. Lotta dust. Need to dust. I'm a procrastorbater, so... maybe next week,... probably not.


I only hook the wah up when I wanna use it. For the most part, the top-of-amp pedals stay as pictured.


Guitar - Fulltone MDV1 DejaVibe - MXR 70's reissue Phase90 - Greer Moonshot treble booster - DigiTech Ventura Vibe (rotary) - 2001 EHX Deluxe Elec Mistress flanger - vintage 70's or 80's MXR Line Driver/Noise Gate - ORANGE ROCKERVERB 100 MK3
FX LOOP = FX LOOP SEND - Digitech GSP2101 preamp/processor - EHX Canyon Delay - Catalinbread Talisman plate reverb - FX LOOP RETURN
CAB = 120watt Carvin Legacy 4x12 Celestion Vintage 30

I've spent loads of time trying to figure out what pedalboard I'll buy to fit all my sh*t on it. I've finally decided... screw that. I'm just gonna lay out all my pedals how I'd want them, measure things, and MAKE a board that'll fit things where I want it to go. Probably sometime this summer. My old mans got loads and loads of woodworking tools he never uses, so I think I can do pretty much anything I dream up and design.

Tiny Terror
Posts: 96
Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:27 pm
Location: NY, USA


Post by stargazer747 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:05 am

Update to earlier posts with pictures of my pedalboards...no more big heavy cumbersome crowded pedalboards. Built 3x lightweight, flat, simple, small boards with the Pedaltrain Nano Plus. They each have my 5x of my "Bare Essentials" on them. All but 3x boutique brands have been sold, traded, given away as I have gone full circle returning home to my classics; MXR, BOSS, Ibanez, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, DOD, & Cry Baby. They were there at the beginning, they stood the test of time, and used by all my guitar heroes on iconic recordings throughout music history. Just inexpensive pedals made simple and built well which sound amazing. I no longer use compressor, EQ, and boost pedals. Decided I prefer a cleaner signal which equates to a more pure tone, for me "less is more." Still do the 4-cable method splitting signal paths for both Preamp & FX Loop. I keep my noisegate, the MXR SmartGate & BOSS TU-3s tuner connected sitting on my cab next to the amp's input, no longer on the boards. My Wah pedals remains off board so that I can use the only 2x I have; Dunlop Cry Baby Classic & DOD FX17 Wah/Volume with any of the boards, plus removing it reduced the board's size and weight as well. The only 3x boutiques I liked and kept are in use on the 3rd board down...

Orange Rocker 15 Terror-EVH5150III-Hughes&Kettner-Marshall-Celestion-Jackson-Fender-Gibson-PRS-Laguna-AnalogAlien-Earthquaker-Walrus-CryBaby-MXR-BOSS-EHX-Ibanez-TCE-ZOOM-DiMarzio-ErnieBall-Tortex-Pedaltrain

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